Monday, April 17, 2006


Willis is my new iPod Nano, and I love him. He keeps me rockin' all day at work. (You understand, of course, that by "rockin'" I mean podcasts about the history of the Byzantine Empire, and lectures by Alan Watts, right?)

The only negative thing about Willis is his pretty, white little earbuds. It's hard to tell in this picture but those earbuds feel like two small demons chewing at the entrance of your ear canal. Steve Jobs must have some weird ass shaped ear openings, cause by the end of the day those mothers hurt like some kind of freaky, Gestapo torture.

Hmm. Correction. I should have said 'weird-ass shaped' rather than 'weird ass shaped'. The way I said it, you get a picture of Steve Jobs with ear openings the shape of an ass. Although that might explain the shape of the damned things...

Here is a short list of materials that would have made better earbuds:

Smallish pieces of cinderblock
Fire ants
Popcorn in the process of popping


Robert said...

Hey, the earbuds don't bother me. I must say, they are WAY better than the old gameboy earbuds. Those would make my ears bleed after about 30 seconds.

Man, I probably shouldn't have made that disclosure. Now they're just going to make fun of me instead of Steve Jobs. That was stupid.

drspartacuss said...


Bob has butt ears.


Robert said...

What? I can't hear you. My ears are butts.

Amber said...

You made me laugh out loud reading about "Willis" - I value that:) I'm happy for Petra because you must make her laugh a lot, you seem like a fun guy.
The earbuds never bothered me on our old ipod (which incidentally was stolen in Feb without the charger thing - dumb thief). So can't you pretty much get any earphones and plug them into the nano? Even ugly airplane ones?